
Concerns and Feedback

As a student, it is your right to feel confident about raising concerns with the University and to have these concerns addressed and resolved in a fair, equitable, transparent, and timely manner.

The nature of your concern or feedback may relate to academia, services you receive or personal situations. These can be reported and addressed differently depending on who or what is involved. Your concern may involve a fellow student, staff member, or member of the public or be about University practices.

If you witness or experience unacceptable behaviour

If you are supporting someone else or have gone through a personal experience, here are the key steps to take:

  1. Support ¨C if you have witnessed or experienced unacceptable behaviours, the priority is to ensure you and other affected people are safe and supported
  2. Record ¨C when relevant and if possible, record as much detail as you can about the incident including the time, date and location
  3. Report ¨C ensure the incident is reported to the University. This may be through Campus Security, a Proctor, Student Support advisor or by raising a concern.

Your guide to raising a concern

Concerns about ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPP¹ÙÍø

If you have raised a formal concern but are dissatisfied with how ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPP¹ÙÍø has addressed your concern, you should:

  • Firstly, discuss your concerns with an International Student Advisor (internationaladvisors@lincoln.ac.nz) or the LUSA Advocacy and Voice Coordinator (students@lusa.org.nz) They will advise you on steps to take, including the options below:
  • NZQA handles complaints about alleged non-compliance with the New Zealand Tertiary and International Code of Practice. For more information go to
  • If you have a financial or contractual dispute with the University, there are free and independent services to help:
    -International students, via 
    -Domestic students, via

Support for students

We understand that reporting unacceptable behaviours or bad experiences can make students feel vulnerable and worried about the consequences. We encourage you to ask for help from wh¨¡nau, a friend or staff member who are welcome to be there as a support person in any meetings in relation to your concern.

Support when raising your concern

We have staff with a variety of expertise and from different backgrounds and ethnicities available to support you. If you do not know where to start, talking to someone you trust is the best thing to do.

See all Student Support contacts and service information.


Related policies and procedures:
How we approach privacy

²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPP¹ÙÍø adheres to the principles of the Privacy Act 2020. See our Privacy Policy for details of how we collect, store, use and share information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. If you have questions about your privacy, you are welcome to contact the University Privacy Officer.

Give us general feedback

We value receiving feedback about the experiences of our students. If you would like to give us general feedback about your experience, good or bad, you are welcome to contact the Student Experience Manager via email at experience@lincoln.ac.nz. Your feedback will be treated confidentially unless you give permission. Find out more about Student Voice and Experience.